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Monday, September 30, 2013

Great Weight Loss Advice

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Guide to New Prescription Weight Loss Drugs

Along with the emergence of new prescription weight loss drugs is an advisory informing everyone about the indications and contraindications of these medications. While these drugs may sound like the answer to a dieter's woes, doctors only prescribe these medications for weight-related concerns.

When to use prescription weight loss drugs

You are entitled for new prescription weight loss drugs only if other methods have been proven ineffective for you. Before trying out these drugs, it is highly recommended that you try a natural weight loss plan first. At the end of the day, proper diet and exercise are the most effective methods to lose the excess fat. While they don't quickly manifest favorable results, they are by far safer than any drug available.

Doctors recommend the use of new prescription weight loss drugs in cases where the patient's body mass index is greater than 27. The medication should be used only when the patient suffers from medical conditions from being overweight such as diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea.

If you don't fall under any of the prescribed criteria, then it's much better to go with natural weight loss aids as these medications are not to be used for a long period of time.

Risks involved

Even if they're recommended by physicians, new prescription weight loss drugs are not without possible risks. The patient may refuse to acknowledge obesity as a health concern that results from a wrong choice of lifestyle. Another possible side-effect is drug tolerance - in which the medication fails to exact a substantial effect when administered for a longer than normal period of time. After a couple of months, it is possible that the patient would reach a weight loss plateau and the drugs prescribed are rendered ineffective. Prolonged use of these medications could also result in cardiovascular disorders such as pulmonary hypertension.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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4 PCOS Weight Loss Tips to Shed Pounds & Stop PCOS Symptoms

If you are looking to improve your weight loss with PCOS then you will understand how difficult it can be. Your body and your conditon is fighting against you the entire way. So listed here are a number of tactics that should immediately be able to help you start dropping the pounds.

1. Avoid High GI Foods

Eating a diet made up of plenty of low GI foods is the smartest method for you to address the major issue of PCOS - insulin resistance. The higher your blood sugar levels the greater the amount of insulin required. High GI foods cause rapid spikes in blood sugars while low GI foods don't

So to prevent these sharp increases in your sugar levels learn to identify low and high GI food choices

2. Exercise To Improve Fitness

Aside from a diet, the other important way to manage your blood sugar levels is via fitness. If you are fairly unfit you will want to start slowly in rather than starting off at too tough a pace..

You should get include a combination of cardio training and some resistance work.

3. Pain Reduction

The pain of PCOS can often make it difficult for people to do any exercise. Being able to manage your pain is crucial.

Applying heat can be a short term remedy but there are also plenty of natural treatments available which can do the job.

4. Keep Your Motivation Levels Up!

PCOS weight loss is undoubtably a bumpy road, but if you can remain determined, watch what you eat and improve your fitness you will be well on your way to burning off that excess body fat.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be Hooked With Hoodia - The Safe and Effective Weight Loss Supplement

Have you ever dreamt of getting the best shape of your life? Hoodia is the weight loss pill that is really at best value for your money! Why choose Hoodia as your weight loss pill? Here are some of the fantastic reasons below:

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Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Liquid Food Replacements For Weight Loss

Having a big belly gives an awkward look and pushes the person into depression. An individual's attitude is first determined based on his/her personality. Therefore, maintaining a good body language becomes a necessity. One of the most common reasons for increased belly fat is the urge to eat more. Though there are many diet loss programs available, experts suggest that liquid diets can help melt more pounds quickly. In fact, many specialists in obesity hospitals use liquid meal as an effective replacement to control the calorie intake of a person.

Rather than taking regular meals, you can liquid meals. This will help you feel nutritionally complete, besides keeping your calories down. Studies on weight loss suggest that people on a low-calorie liquid diet can effectively keep their weight off, provided they do an effective cardiovascular physical exercise. In fact, research shows that people who took liquid meal replacements lost significantly more weight than those who took traditional meals.

What is the most interesting facet about liquid replacements?

Dieting can become a boring and hectic facet to practice every day. Most people feel that they need to spend extra hours on dieting and doing other aspects. Well, this isn't true at all. One of the most interesting aspect about liquid meal replacements is that, besides aiding in weight loss, it also helps you keep to the diet. In fact, most people feel that it is quite easy to make a simple meal planning with liquid meals. Therefore, you can be stress free without having to practice for hours in your gym and you need not follow a crash diet to achieve a slim body language. Adopt a healthy lifestyle with liquid meals.

Acai Berry Diet - Why a Colon Cleanse is Important If You Are Serious About Weight Loss With Acai

Brazilian fruit Acai berry created a sensation a couple of years back when it hit the market. Its popularity soared to new heights when it was endorsed by media and Hollywood personalities. It is really so effective for weight loss? this tiny fruit is full of nutrients, anti oxidants and vitamins which are highly beneficial for overall health but its weight loss abilities depend a lot on its corrects usage for at least a month or two.

It has been noticed that people want to get rid of extra pounds without sticking to any program for a considerable amount of time. Though most weight loss programs available on the market are not effective for permanent weight loss; there are a few good ones which work remarkable well for making you slim quite fast. Acai berry diet is one of those tested supplements that really work miracle for shedding weight in a very short time.

Acai berry diets must be used in combination of a good colon cleanse supplement which is an essential part of this weight loss program. There are people who use the supplement without detoxifying their colon. This approach is often not good if you are thinking of losing weight with this supplement

Acai diet speeds up your metabolism which results in quick fat loss. However, if your colon remains full of toxins; the fat burning process does not work at its maximum efficiency. The overall result of using the supplement without a colon cleanser is that you do not lose weight as fast as your expectation. Even if you lose some fat; you tend to regain the weight in no time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Did You Just Break Your Weight Loss Resolution?

If you are searching for a good weight loss program or diet plan, you must have read scores of articles on the internet each claiming to help reduce your weight or giving the usual recommendations of cutting down on junk food and talking a walk or jogging in the morning and you probably made a resolution to strictly adhere to the program.

But why did you break the resolution?

One must realize that while people form resolutions based on the diet plan or program, they are often broken in just a few days. If you think over it, you will realize that the problem with most of these weight loss programs is that they expect a lot of change from your day to day routine starting from day 1; such as changing your entire diet, work schedule and sleep. This might not be really possible because apart from your determination, other external factors beyond your control also come into picture.

For example to follow a meal every two hour diet plan, you will need to take extra time off from your office which might not be possible. The weight loss program might recommend sleeping early but that would mean that you might not be able to enough spend time with your spouse or partner.

How to avoid breaking your weight loss program and resolution?

One should keep in mind that even if it would take sometime to bring in the results, its better to take things one by one instead of following all the things recommended in the program.

  • To begin with your weight loss program, select the easiest thing that is recommended and start doing it for a couple of days. For example the program might suggest drinking water every two hours which is a relatively easy thing compared to other tips. Start doing this for a couple of days.

Long Term Weight Loss With an Online Weight Loss Coach and Healthy Thoughts

We are all creatures of habit some good and some bad. Brushing your teeth is a good habit. Sugar bingeing at night is a bad one. Nobody likes change but whenever we begin to challenge anything that has to with our comfort eating or sugar addiction it is an especially difficult. Those of us desperate to lose weight quickly probably realize that we do not have the best health habits. A good OnLine coach will take you by the hand and guide you every step of the way towards establishing changes in your lifestyle.

You need to learn about the science behind any program and also practical tips that will allow you to be successful. An important skill of a OnLine Health coach to teach you to listen for your self defeating voices. Maintaining a permanent healthy weight has as much to do with disciplining your thoughts as your physical behavior. Once you have broken the craving cycle it is always a thought that sends the high glycemic food into your mouth. You begin your sugar binge way before anything touches your tongue.

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly and stop your sugar binges you will need coaching from a weight loss advisor who can help you with a total body and mind approach. Once you learn how to lose your cravings you will be able to tackle your comfort eating problem. A good Weight Loss advisor will help you understand the negative thought patterns that have sabotaged past weight loss success. You can develop healthy lifestyles that will not only improve the quality of your life, but also have a side effect of fat loss. With the help of a coach these permanent lifestyle changes will become part of your everyday life. Your Best Days Are Still Ahead!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Get Skinny Fast - The 1st and Most Crucial Step to Fail-Proof Rapid Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight quickly, you cannot avoid taking the first and most important step in your rapid weight loss plan. You'll have to commit wholeheartedly to devoting just one month to working towards your weight loss goal. Sounds simple enough right? Then why haven't you done it before? Here's what to do to guarantee your weight loss success this time:

Understand, acknowledge, and commit to the fact that it is much more difficult and more stressful to continue battling your weight than to simply change the way you eat starting right now.

Read that sentence again.

Now read it one more time.

If you want a simple way to make your life easier, you can start by carving out a strategic diet plan that will set you on a path to successful and permanent weight loss so you can stop the constant struggle of fighting weight gain and weight loss.

Keep it at the front of your mind at all times throughout the next month (starting today) that by putting in the effort to getting your weight under control now, you are removing the stress of battling your weight forever. Also keep in mind the very real possibility that if you do not get your weight under control now while you have the desire, you may not get your weight under control ever.

It only takes one month of solid commitment. Almost everyone has the ability to maintain their motivation for just one month. When you see those first few pounds come off and those eating habits begin to change for the better, the month after will be infinitely easier.

7 Weight Loss Mistakes

Weight Loss Mistake #1

Skipping Meals- Skipping meals is a bad idea. 6 to 9 small meals a day is a better way to lose weight. Several small meals during the day can raise your metabolism. This in turn will actually help you burn more fat.

Weight Loss Mistake #2

Choosing a diet program that causes you to lose muscle mass. We need muscle. Losing the muscle you have is not healthy and can lead to many other health issues. Strive only to lose fat, not muscle.

Weight Loss Mistake #3

Irregular eating Patterns- Like stated before, 6 to 9 small meals a day is ideal. It is bad to eat a small meal, then large. Maintaining the same portions allows your stomach to adjust to the proper size. With smaller meals your stomach shrinks. Eventually you will feel full from these smaller meals.

Mistake #4

Including sodas and juice in your diet. These drinks are loaded with calories. This is one of the best and fastest ways to get fat. Avoid soda and juices high in sugar to maintain weight loss.

Mistake #5

Not keeping a positive mental attitude. This is more important than you think. A confident person can achieve anything.

Mistake #6

White flour products are your enemy. Stay clear of these and watch the pounds fall off.

Finially, Mistake #7

Spending way too much for diet products. The weight loss industry has a way of gouging the public for their products. It is true that you get what you pay for, but do exercise some caution.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

3 Types Of Foods You Need To Avoid In Your Weight Loss Meal Plan

If you want to lose weight, you need to have a weight loss meal plan. Losing weight and excess fat is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. You need to have a solid weight loss meal plan and a workout regime in order to lose the excess weight and achieve the body of your dream.

Most people did not put in much effort into planning their meals and that is why they fail to achieve their desired body. But fear not, you will not be one of them if you are reading this now.

1) Processed Foods

Many of us are ignorant about the how processed food can destroy our goals of achieving our desired body. Some examples of processed foods are white bread, pasta, cereals etc. These foods can cause our blood sugar level to fluctuate and it can lead to cravings and hunger pangs. As a result, you will eat more than usual in your meals and gain weight.

Instead of eating processed food, try to include more natural food in your diet. Some examples will be vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits.

2) Soft Drinks

You need to stay away from soft drinks if you want to lose the excess fat from your body. Soft drinks or carbonated drinks contain high amount of refined sugar that can cause weight gain and fluctuations in blood sugar level.

The refined sugar in the drinks also has the same harmful effect as processed food.

3) Dairy Products

Most of us thought that milk is healthy for our body and it is highly recommended by the experts. However, do you know that human is the only species that still drinks milk even when we are in adulthood?

Cow's milk also contains hormones and other chemicals that are injected into them. These are harmful for our overall health and milk are meant for calves, not human.

Cow's milk contains too many fats for our body consumption and it can only lead to obesity if you drink it regularly.

To lose weight and excess fat, you need to have a good exercise regime and an excellent weight loss meal plan that you will follow. Avoiding these 3 types of food is the key to your success.