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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Did You Just Break Your Weight Loss Resolution?

If you are searching for a good weight loss program or diet plan, you must have read scores of articles on the internet each claiming to help reduce your weight or giving the usual recommendations of cutting down on junk food and talking a walk or jogging in the morning and you probably made a resolution to strictly adhere to the program.

But why did you break the resolution?

One must realize that while people form resolutions based on the diet plan or program, they are often broken in just a few days. If you think over it, you will realize that the problem with most of these weight loss programs is that they expect a lot of change from your day to day routine starting from day 1; such as changing your entire diet, work schedule and sleep. This might not be really possible because apart from your determination, other external factors beyond your control also come into picture.

For example to follow a meal every two hour diet plan, you will need to take extra time off from your office which might not be possible. The weight loss program might recommend sleeping early but that would mean that you might not be able to enough spend time with your spouse or partner.

How to avoid breaking your weight loss program and resolution?

One should keep in mind that even if it would take sometime to bring in the results, its better to take things one by one instead of following all the things recommended in the program.

  • To begin with your weight loss program, select the easiest thing that is recommended and start doing it for a couple of days. For example the program might suggest drinking water every two hours which is a relatively easy thing compared to other tips. Start doing this for a couple of days.

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