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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Best Weight Loss Programs to Be Happy With Your Body Shape

If you are talking about weight loss and body shape, the first thing you will need to understand is body mass index. B.M.I. is a calculation of healthy body weight based on height and weight by pounds. Both of these factors are displayed on a graph and intersect to correspond to a number. I won't go into these numbers for two very good reasons. First, body mass calculators can be found all over the internet. Second, I don't trust B.M.I. for some very important reasons.

According to the program, Dewayne "The Rock" Johnson would be considered highly obese. This is because muscle mass is not accounted for. I have studied martial arts, yoga, and palates for many years now, and according to B.M.I., I am considered overweight. I do not trust body mass index because it can be discouraging and confusing. A better alternative would be using a device that calculates your fat to muscle ratio, and then consulting a medical professional about your options.

The media can have a devastating effect on the fragile psyche of the individual. We see models and movie stars and imagine the illusions of small and silver screen to be the norms of physical acceptance. These terrible illusions are devastating in ways that we are only beginning to understand. The surge in cases of eating disorders among young women and men in the last few years can be directly linked to negative body image. The constant pressure to be thin and pretty can easily skew the perception of both the young and not so young and cause lasting physical and psychological damage.

The best weight for your body shape should be gauged by a comprehensive understanding of individual overall health; both of a physical and psychological nature. Holistic overall health is the key here, and your holistic overall health has nothing to do with a model on a runway.

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